Tuesday, October 15, 2013

flickr, tumblr, facebook,.... im living in germany now on an amazing opportunity to study under Peter Doig at the Kunstakademie in Dusseldorf. i wanted to start a travel blog or just simply have somewhere to put all my photo's and write little things to go along with them. through this all my friends and family could keep up with what im doing. in this process i weighed my options: tumblr, very stylish but too anonymous and run of the mill to be honest.. and i hate how when looking at the tumblr dashboard yo just see images and possibly never actually visit the persons blog and see how they actually intended their posts to look. facebook, people take facebook to serious and im not trying to love my whole life anticipating the next "like".. and lastly was my favorite: Flickr, i have always loved flickr and decided to put photos on my old but still used account. so after some uploads and a facebook post i figured it might be a good idea to look back through my account and possibly hide or take down some old photos.. but in doing so i somehow made my entire account private then un private then private again.. SOOOOO here i am back at Blogger where i feel comfortable. sorry you just read all that for nothing hahaha enjoy the upcoming posts. 

      Henri Broyard

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